Rodrigues, A.L. & Prada, T. (2019). Sounds, time and experience in artistic installations: case studies in Inhotim / Minas Gerais and 31st São Paulo Biennial
“In 2015, the Master dissertation “Art of Time in Space: Sound and Facilities” was defended. The works selected by the research were described from their poetics in dialogue with interdisciplinary cultural studies, making considerations about Time and Experience. Drawing on authors such as Larossa (2002), the analysis of works reiterates the aesthetic sense from experience, but experience is not just what happens to us, but what happens to us, and changes us, is the time experienced. We use the notions of duration proposed by Bergson (2006). Another point was to consider the sound as an artistic element of the installations, whose purpose of use goes beyond the landscape, being a dynamizer of the space of interrelation, as in the proposal of relational aesthetics (Bourriaud, 2002). For example we use works from the São Paulo Biennial: Errar de Deus (Grupo Etc and Leon Ferrari) and Space to Abort (Coletivo Mujeres Creando); and works by Inhotim: Cosmococa Gallery (reference artists Helio Oticica and Neville de Almeida) and the Cardiff & Miller Shed (George Bures Miller, Janet Cardiff).” | More Information
Ana Lia Rodrigues, Teresinha Prada
CECS - Livro de atas do III Congresso Internacional sobre Culturas: Interfaces da Lusofonia