Ravanello, T. F. R. (2018). Online photography market: reconfigurations in communication processes and dynamics of distribution of works of art

The doctoral thesis presented here aims to develop a model of communication of the functioning of the online primary market of art photography, based on the reading of an already existing art market scenario, but still little explored by academic research. We start from the assumption that we are living nowadays a new paradigm of communication from the internet and that, with it, the formats of circulation and cultural consumption have been significantly altered. The internet introduces the conformation of new socio-cultural environments capable of interfering in this ecosystem and giving the individual the possibility of insertion into differentiated spheres of recognition. In this sense, the art market has gained new contours and the online environment is now an obvious unfolding of the traditional physical market. However, we argue here that the online market is not disconnected from the traditional physical world of art and that the artist depends on the construction of social capital along with instances of legitimation in these two contexts. The thesis is divided into two major parts, one theoretical and the other empirical. The first four chapters comprise concepts, theories and ideas that guide this thesis, presenting from the structural changes in social, economic and cultural scenarios to the position occupied nowadays by the artist in the context of the artworld, based on a bibliographical approach and of applied nature. The empirical research is composed of two studies, one focused on the performance of the artist and another focused on the online platforms of the distribution of artistic photographs. The methodological foundation applied in each empirical study is detailed in its respective chapters. The last chapter is dedicated to the presentation of the communication model, based on the proposal of the recognition circles of Bowness (1990), Heinich (1998) and Rojzman (2005) and the network communication logic addressed by Castells (2002; 2007) and Cardoso 2009; 2013).




Tatiana Fátima Rehbein Ravanello