Fashion and visual language: a semiotic-social analysis of women’s clothing in photographs from the 1920s

Fashion makes it possible to understand the socio-cultural developments of a given society. It can be seen as a cultural manifestation and as a form of language, making it possible to analyze it through semiotics. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the forms of representation used to construct identity meanings from the observation of women’s clothing in photographs from the 1920s, through Social Semiotics, by identifying and reflecting on the message transmitted visually by clothing, establishing a relationship between the message transmitted by the image with the social construction of the female body and the historical and sociocultural context of the 1920s. Methodologically, the study presents a bibliographical survey based on scholars in the areas of semiotics and fashion, such as Natividade and Pimenta (2009) and Bonadio (2007), followed by an analysis of the images in terms of their representational, interactional and compositional meanings, justified by the fact that visuality and fashion are areas of analysis that are still lacking in studies, but also because of the relevance of the study of fashion and visual language to various areas of knowledge. The results suggest that clothing can convey messages and information within a socio-cultural context, and is therefore a manifestation of a non-verbal system of communication. Access here.




Simone Ferreira de Albuquerque; Gláucia Castro Aguiar Pio; Francisco Wellington Borges Gomes


Alfa - Revista de Linguística (S. Jo´se do Rio Preto)