Correia,M.L & Cerqueira, C. (Eds) (2017). Photography and Gendre
” This special issue of the journal Comunicação e Sociedade departed from our desire of intersecting knowledges and exchanging looks, proposing a meeting on the border- crossing between photography studies and gender studies. In other words, our willing-ness to consider photography and gender extended a need to think the gaze politically,from the field of communication sciences. In this context, our intent was to consider the network of asymmetries – gender, but also ethnicity, age, geography, culture and society, among others – as well as the complex bundle of ways of doing and undoing gender, which permeate the everyday circulation of images, and finally, that cross the media discourses and the artistic figurations of our contemporary visual culture (Correia & Cerqueira, 2017). This need, already at work in the critical perspective of the Frankfurt School philosopher Walter Benjamin, would have been reinforced, since the second half of the 20 th century, by different disciplinary traditions, such as structuralism (Foucault, 1975) cultural studies, psychoanalysis, visual culture studies (Berger, 1972, Mitchell, 2002, Mulvey, 1989, Shoat & Stam, 2006), the french contemporary thought of philosophers like Georges Didi-Huberman (2017) and Jacques Rancière (2008), and of course, the feminist studies, namely post-structuralist and queer (Butler, 1990; De Lauretis, 1987, 1991) and postcolonial (hooks, 1984; Spivak, 1985).
Maria da Luz Correia & Carla Cerqueira
Uminho Editora