Coelho, Z.P. & Neves, J.P. (Eds.) (2010). Screen, landscape and body

“In cultural terms, this passage opens up a new universe. It implies changes in the communicational landscape of the so-called developed countries: from the constellation of the book (as a medium) with writing (as a mode), and the logic” of the narrated world “that accompanied them, we move on to the constellation of the screen with the image, and to the logic of “a world that is shown” (Kress, 2003: 2; 2005: 6) .10 This should not be seen as meaning a one-way sequence of objects unique semiotics, but only that the logic that dominates the semiotic organization of the screen, as a designed interface, is visual logic. As Kress points out, there are modes based on time, such as speech, dance, gesture, action, music , and space-based modes, such as image, sculpture, and architecture (2003: 45). Each of these modes of representation and communication, being socially and culturally formed, is not transparent, has its own potentials and limitations, that is , privileges different constructions of reality and creates different types of social relations, within the framework of a certain logic and materiality (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2003)”.

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Zara Pinto Coelho e José Pinheiro Neves (eds.)


Grácio Editor