Cenas musicais – criativas em clubbing. Trajetórias na (re)construção da cena cultural e artística da cidade do Porto desde 2001 [Creative – music scenes in clubbing. Trajectories in the (re)construction of Porto’s cultural and artistic scene since 2001] | Master Thesis

Abstract: “This dissertation analyses individual and group trajectories based on the biographies of the founders of the music scenes – Gigi (2002) and Grrrl Riot (2011) –, as key points in the artistic-cultural panorama and in the transformation of the landscape in the material plane (physical space) as well as in the domain of social relations (social and symbolic space), which have generated dynamics and moved individuals in the city of Porto. We develop an intense and proximal perspective to better capture the artistic-cultural dynamics, intergenerational youth sociability practices, social networks, identities, and exchanges that arise in and by the creative/clubbing musical scenes of the city of Porto. This is achieved through the analysis of common trajectories and differences between social actors, groups, and socio-historical landscapes studied within the empirical and temporal scope of the research, which spans from 2001 to mid-20024. Thus, we identify, analyze, and understand the relevance of these creative/clubbing musical scenes in their multiple networks of sociability and exchange relations. Through the collected data, we reflect on their contribution to the understanding of artistic-cultural production, and consumption practices, within the physical, social, urban, geographical, and socio-historical context of the city of Porto, where various musical genres have emerged, and continue to appear, develop, being appropriated, adapted, and infused with an affective character driven by the intense participation of social actors. This research also emphasizes an action-oriented investigative approach by creating an archive of creative clubbing manifestations, accompanied by the development of a multidisciplinary art installation. More than just a musical object itself, we are facing a hybrid object that embodies the musical, artistic, cultural – local, translocal and virtual – mainly through the practices of creative agents, which arise and are generated in the cooperative networks of the art worlds in Porto.”


Keywords: music-creative scenes, arts, clubbing, culture, trajectories, Porto.


This Master’s Thesis in Sociology from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto was written by the author Ana Isabel Alves da Silva and published in 2024, being available in open access at FLUP’s repository.




Ana Isabel Alves da Silva