Campos, R. (2009). “All City” – European graffiti as a means of communication and transgression in the urban space

“Canevacci (1997, p. 41) tells us that “communication is the most innovative and unexplored specific terrain of the current urban form”. I tend to agree with this statement. I believe, however, that an ethnographic approach to the city, attentive to the ways in which public space is used by citizens and by different entities with communicative intentions, can contribute to a renewal of anthropological discourses about the metropolis. This is a challenge that can be applied to the study of various urban groups and communities, with their cultural singularities, their socio-spatial networks, their symbolic borders through which relations of communion or social distinction are established. Communication and visuality are, in this context, analytically powerful domains for a deeper understanding of the bonds that are established with the city”.

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Ricardo Campos