Bugiada and mouriscada of Sobrado: the party as heritage
“The Bugiada e Mouriscada is centered in the representation of a legend that narrates the dispute between mouros and christians for the possession of the image of S. João. The party is mainly led by two formations: the Mourisqueiros, that integrate between four to five dozen young people unmarried, presented in rich and elaborate military uniform, which includes cap, gaiters and marlin; and the Bugios, representing the christians, who reach more than five hundred participants of all ages, wearing colorful costumes with cloaks, a hat of pens , rattles and castanets and appearing in masks. The two formations are led by their respective kings, Reimoeiro (Mouro´s king) and Velho da Bugiada, and are predominantly in two parallel rows. Each of the formations performs dances and develops movements own choreographic”.
Manuel Pinto, Rita Ribeiro, Maria João Nunes, Emília Rodrigues Araújo, Luís António Santos, Luís Cunha, Albertino Gonçalves, Moisés de Lemos Martins & Jean-Yves Durand