BANDEIRA, M. S. (2012). Landscapes of Honor – Battlefield Winners and Losers – Military Cemeteries: American, British and German, in Normandy
“From the travel notes of an deambulation we made to the north of France in August 2010, we then noted some of the profound visual impact and inner jolt we felt as we roamed the historic sites marked by the memories of the battle of Normandy that began with the landing of the Allied armies on June 6, 1944, during World War II (1939-45), hence the opportunity and motive, now invoked under the Mobile Encounter of Landscapes, and the gracious suggestion of the presentation of the reference work. , ‘In memoriam, unfocused landscapes’ (2011), by friend, and admired architect Maria Manuel Oliveira, which we then had the opportunity to comment on, to feel compelled to address the relationship between memory and landscape. ” | More information
Miguel Sopas Bandeira