Urban Artivisms – book

A book about the forms of activism through art, in urban culture, coordinated (among other authors) by Passeio member Cíntia Sanmartin Fernandes. The publication also includes a book chapter by Passeio coordinators Helena Pires and Zara Pinto-Coelho, entitled The power of “image-action”: creativity and transmemory in times of pandemic. As can be read in the opening chapter, “we sought throughout this publication to offer more elements to broaden the problematization of the complexity of the phenomenon of the strong presence of artivism today: whether in its tensions and articulations, in uprisings and negotiations, and even in civil disobedience or more radical dissensual dynamics.”




Cíntia Sanmartin Fernandes; Micael Herschmann; Rose de Melo Rocha; Simone Luci Pereira (orgs.)


Editora Sulina