An approach to underground music scenes
Volume 6 of the KISMIF Conference is now available, dedicated to the theme An approach to underground music scenes, edited by Paula Guerra and Ana Oliveira. A particular mention in the book to Teresa Lima’s article DIY in Edgar Pêra: The construction of a visual identity. Starting from life history of Portuguese filmmaker Edgar Pêra, I intend to analyze DIY in his artistic path. Having as musical references punk and new wave movements, Pêra began his activity (in the mid-1980s) inspired by the praxis of Portuguese pop rock bands, which he recorded compulsively, as Homem Câmara [Man with a movie camera] alter ego. By interpreting the filmmaker’s life history interview (currently being
collected as part of my doctoral thesis), I noted that DIY emerged as a contingency and, at the same time, as an emancipation. The shortage of resources led him to film on video when film was valued as a support. Since then, the filmmaker became a professional, in a type of cinema that is configured as an overcoming between high and low culture. Mostly, I address the impulse that leads a creator to express himself in multiple ways, by exploring an unknown facet of the author: painting and drawing. In a self-taught way, Pêra searches for mental and emotional tools since drawing precedes and accompanies the creative process of the films and paintings reveal thought whirlwind. Through Pêra’s discourse, I identify the elements that puts DIY as a lifestyle (Bennett, Guerra & 2021) and as symbolic construction of reality (Carey, 2009), reflecting on aesthetics as action (Arendt, 2001) and as experience (Dewey, 2008)
Teresa Lima
Paula Guerra & Ana Oliveira