Fundamental Law of Dynamics (Movement 02)

Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas)


Fundamental Laws of Kinetic and Potential Transboundary Movements



Second Law: The change in movement is proportional to the action of the forces that move it and occurs in the direction of the force acting on it (Fundamental Law of Dynamics).


The train closes its doors, full of people looking indifferent. Some with their eyes on their cell phones, others on their books, some with their eyes closed, others with vacant stares. Some are talking with each other. The trip takes about half an hour, with a few stations in between. At one point, there’s a bridge over the icy waters of the Baltic, until the train subtly plunges into the sea and emerges a few minutes later peacefully on the other side. The doors open, people get off. The short trip in every way resembles a suburban commute, made daily, routinely, even lightly. But it’s an international trip. A train journey that connects the Danish capital with the neighboring Swedish city of Malmö. Two countries with different flags, languages, currencies and traditions, but totally united by the ease of transportation, on a route that includes crossing an unusual engineering feat, the “Øresundsbroen” or “Öresundsbron” bridge/tunnel, depending on the side.

The ease of the journey and the dignified way in which the bridge/tunnel overcomes the natural geographical barrier makes you feel that there is no border here. That the movement is natural and genuine.


Published in November 15, 2024


Author: Carlos Norton

To know more: Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas)


Technical file

Movement 02

Sound recorded with Zoom H4n

Train running between Copenhagen and Malmö, Denmark/Sweden

October 20, 2019, 17:10


Ficheiros audio

Mov 02


LOCAL: Escânia

LATITUDE: 55.58221111

LONGITUDE: 12.7975