Law of Inertia (Movement 01)

Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas)


Fundamental Laws of Kinetic and Potential Transboundary Movements



First Law: Every body remains at its state of rest or of rectilinear and uniform motion, as long as no external forces are acting on it (Law of Inertia).


The train slows down its movement while passengers collect their luggage, put on coats, and some get up. Others wait for the train to come to a standstill. Once it stops, everyone gets off, it’s the terminal stop. From here, there are no more trains, so many of them head for the bus station. Haparanda/Tornio is the name of this double town in the north of Sweden/Finland, each in its own country, but which merge into each other in the landscape and in the river that runs through them into the Baltic Sea.

But there is something that separates them. The river, the time zone, the language and the disconnection of the railroad. You can get to Haparanda from the south of Sweden as well as from the north, from Lapland, whether if Swedish or Norwegian. But to get to Finland from Tornio, one must travel 20 km to Kemi, where you can then travel by train.

There are thousands of kilometers of railroad between the two countries, however they are disconnected by just 20 km. It wasn’t always like this, but some decline in the last century led to the closure of the section, which was even longer on the Swedish side, which has only recently been restored and reopened. But on the Finnish side, nothing. Member states of the European Union, which collaborate in all aspects, and disconnected by train for 20 km.

All the more curious given that the railroad exists and is used, but only for freight trains.

An identical example of disconnection exists between Algarve and Andaluzia, where Portugal has trains until Vila Real de Santo António, however in Spain, there is only from Huelva onwards. Also disconnected by mere 40km.


Published in November 15, 2024


Author: Carlos Norton

To know more: Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas)


Technical file

Movement 01

Sound recorded with Zoom H4n

Kemi train station waiting room, Finland

October 24, 2019, 07:00

Ficheiros audio

Mov 01


LOCAL: Lapônia

LATITUDE: 65.73662222

LONGITUDE: 24.57389444