Dogma of Intermittent Pedestrian Movement (Movement 15)

Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas)


Absurd Dogmas (Notebooks I-V)

Notebook IV – Touristic Movements



The more intense the movement, the more dependent it is on pulses, and the alternation of movement and rest is irregular (Dogma of Intermittent Pedestrian Movement).


The streets are quiet, with little traffic. A few children run around, an adult shouts at them. Far away, you can hear the lively laughter of a small group on the outdoors of a café. From above, from the balconies, comes the chatter of neighbors, each at their own window.

But there is a slight tension, some walk at a hurried pace. In the convenience stores, they quickly restock the fridges. On the terraces, they clean the tables and ashtrays. Everyone is looking at their watch. It’s almost time. The cruise ship has docked. Soon there will be 5,000 tourists flooding the streets for four hours. It won’t be possible to get around, go to any stores or cafés, and no one will be able to rest. In four hours’ time, everything will be the same again. During those 4 hours, 5,000 people have bought souvenirs, postcards, took 25,000 photos, urinated (not always in the right places), smiled, and left. Later or, later in the afternoon, another cruise ship will arrive.


Published in November 15, 2024


Author: Carlos Norton

To know more: Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas)


Technical file

Movement 15

Sound recorded with Roland CS-10EM binaurals

Cádiz Historic Center

4 outubro 2022, 13:20

Ficheiros audio

Mov 15



LATITUDE: 36.53005833

LONGITUDE: -6.29840556