Dogma of Linear Chaotic Movement (Movement 10)
Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas)
Absurd Dogmas (Notebooks I-V)
Notebook III – Urban Movements
In the city’s gravitational center, all movement tends towards chaos, in direct proportion to the intensity of the human flow (Dogma of Linear Chaotic Movement).
In the square in front of the train station, a streetcar stops, dumps 5 people and starts up again. The 5 people walk along the sidewalk and enter the station. A few cars pass by. A few cabs drop off a few more passengers and the cycle lane is covered by many different people. There is a certain tranquility and methodology to the pedestrian and automobile movements. It doesn’t last long, rush hour is approaching. At that point, the anxiety that comes with the traffic reaches moments of madness. Illegal maneuvers, risky crossings, honking, swearing. Chaos. Then rush hour passes and the chaos subsides. At this time, the pigeons come down from the statues and the roof of the station to see what has been lost on the ground.
Published in November 15, 2024
Author: Carlos Norton
To know more: Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas)
Technical file
Movement 10
Sound recorded with Roland CS-10EM binaurals
Zagreb, outside the Railway Station
July 19, 2023, 12:20
Ficheiros audio
Mov 10
LOCAL: Zagreb
LATITUDE: 45.80514722
LONGITUDE: 15.97833889