Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas)

In this series of visual, sound and literary micro-essays, Carlos Norton invites us to make a series of journeys and movements, highlighting the dynamics of cities and everyday life present in the different routes taken, between fundamental laws of physics and absurd dogmas.

The Notebooks of European Contemporary Movement (Fundamental Laws and Absurd Dogmas) are a compilation of 18 movements, divided into 5 notebooks, in which each micro-essay contains 1 photo, 1 text and 1 audio file.



Fundamental Laws of Kinetic and Potential Transboundary Movements

INTRODUCTION: Physics and poetry (by Teresa Lima)

MOVEMENT 01: Law of Inertia

MOVEMENT 02: Fundamental Law of Dynamics

MOVEMENT 03: Law of Action and Reaction



Absurd Dogmas (Notebooks I-V)


Notebook I – Non-existent movements

MOVEMENT 04: Dogma of Clockwise Mechanical Motion

MOVEMENT 05: Dogma of the Non-Apparent Movement of Small Clusters

MOVEMENT 06: Dogma of the Movement of Transported Inertia


Notebook II – Social Movements

MOVEMENT 07: Dogma of the Reclaiming Social Movement

MOVEMENT 08: Dogma of the Political Social Movement

MOVEMENT 09: Dogma of the Unilateral Movement to Safeguard Interests


Notebook III – Urban Movements

MOVEMENT 10: Dogma of the Linear Chaotic Movement

MOVEMENT 11: Dogma of Wandering Movement

MOVEMENT 12: Dogma of Momentary Contemplative Movement


Notebook IV – Tourist Movements

MOVEMENT 13: Dogma of Convergent Pedestrian Movement

MOVEMENT 14: Dogma of Divergent Pedestrian Movement

MOVEMENT 15: Dogma of Intermittent Pedestrian Movement


Notebook V – Intellectual Movements

MOVEMENT 16: Dogma of Creative Intellectual Movement

MOVEMENT 17: Dogma of Introspective Intellectual Movement

MOVEMENT 18: Dogma of Imaginative Intellectual Movement


Technical file

Images, texts and audio: Carlos Norton

Sounds recorded with Zoom H4n (movements 1 and 2) and Roland CS-10EM binaurals (movements 3 to 18)