15 Nov, 2024

Seminar of Visual Culture: “Semiotics of Typography in Graphic Communication”

In another session of the Seminar of Visual Culture, organized by Passeio and CECS in partnership with SOPCOM’s Semiotics Working Group, Prof. Dr. Evripides Zantides, founder and director of the Semiotics and Visual Communication Laboratory at the Cyprus University of Technology(www.svclab.com), will present a lecture entitled “Semiotics of Typography in Graphic Communication”.


The aim of this session will be to examine the semiotic dimensions of typography, as we visualize verbal language, from the theoretical framework of Jacques Bertin (1967) and his insight into the ways in which graphic variables can be manipulated to control the visual meaning of maps. This session will also be an open class of the Social Semiotics curricular unit (doctoral program in Communication Sciences) and a Seminar of the Semiotics Working Group of Sopcom (Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences). The working language of this session will be English. The event will take place in hybrid format, in the Sala de Atos of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho and online at the following link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97906461270.


Evripides Zantides is a member of the Passeio team and a lecturer in Graphic and Visual Communication at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts at the Cyprus University of Technology. His professional activities include presenting research papers in various journals and international conferences on semiotics, graphic design education, typography and visual communication. He has participated, with outstanding works, in art and graphic design biennials and other international exhibitions. He is also involved as a reviewer for scientific journals, on educational, conference and art and design evaluation committees. He is a delegate to the International Typographic Association (ATypI), as well as the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS).