9 Apr, 2024
Visual Culture Seminar: “Digital Dawn. Our lives beyond Black Mirror”
The Visual Culture Seminar “Digital Dawn. Our lives beyond Black Mirror” will be held on April 9th, at 6:00 p.m., in the ICS Conference Room. The session will feature Claúdia Attimonelli and Vincenzo Susca.
Claudia Attimonelli is a semiotician who teaches imaginary, media and digital culture at the Aldo Moro University in Bari (Italy); she directs the Mediateca Emeroteca Musicale (MEM) research group and, as a contemporary art commissioner, works with galleries and festivals; she specializes in Afrofuturism and electronic cultures. She is the author of several essays, translated into different languages, including L’estetica del malessere (2020) and Techno. Ritmi afrofuturisti (2008; 2018).
Vincenzo Susca is a researcher at the Laboratoire d’Etudes Interdisciplinaires sur le Réel et les Imaginaires Sociaux and professor of the sociology of the imaginary at the Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier). Editorial director of the journal Les cahiers européens de l’imaginaire and McLuhan fellow at the University of Toronto. He is the author of several books, translated into different languages, including Joie tragique (2009), As afinidades conectivas (2019) and Industrie culturelle et vie quotidienne (2021). For Sulina, the authors have already published Pornocultura (2017).
This seminar is organized by Passeio, the CECS Urban Art and Culture Platform, in cooperation with the Master’s Degree in Communication, Art and Culture.