29 Mar, 2020

Passeio participates in a festival on balconies (Festival Varandas)

The Varandas Festival returns to Braga, Évora, Lisbon, Porto and other cities in Portugal with a challenge appropriate to the time we live in: #fiqueemcasa. In times of social isolation and quarantine, the veranda is the best place to watch the rays of spring sunshine, get some fresh air and chat with the neighbors. The Zet Gallery initiative, which is responsible for and curator Helena Pereira, a collaborator of Passeio, is a festival that invites artists, amateurs or not, to participate freely, taking artistic performances to balconies on Sunday, the 29th March.

The schedule is divided into two stages. In the morning, starting at 11 am, “Varadinhas” takes place, aimed essentially at the little ones. Here, the youngest have between 10 and 30 minutes to show their talents at the window singing, dancing or reciting poems. In the afternoon, starting at 5:30 pm, “Varandas” starts, aimed at the elderly, with presentations lasting between 15 and 45 minutes.

Who can? According to the organization, “we can all, as long as we want. You don’t have to be a professional in the performing arts. It can be solo music or together, it can be dance, it can be DJ, it can be karaoke – which means “empty orchestra”, by the way – it can be poetry, it can be a short story, it can be a chapter in a book that takes someone wanting to read the rest at home. It can be a performance, a short play, a monologue. But we ask you to be careful with what you say and do, because you will certainly have children watching and listening to you ”.

To register, the artist must send a message to the Festival’s Facebook page, with some information, such as name, type of performance, location and contact. The event also proposes that each participant direct their respective performance, placing the tags of Varandas (@festivalvarandas #festivalvarandas #festivalvarandasemcasa #euficoemcasa #ficaemcasa #stayathome #stayhome).