18 Mar, 2024
International meeting “The Walking Body 5”: more than human walking
The Walking Body (TWB5) is an international meeting of walking artists. The 2024 meeting, dedicated to “more than human walking“, will take place from 18th to 23rd of March, in Bairro C (Guimarães). Meeting point: Garagem Avenida, Gallery / School of Architecture, Art and Design.
TWB5 includes a week of walkshops, a round table, a presentation of the portfolios of the invited artists and an exhibition: The walkshops take place in Bairro C and the meeting point is the Galeria da Garagem Avenida of the EAAD (Av. Dom Afonso Henriques, 250).
The Round Table takes place on the 18th of March, at 7pm, at Café Milenário (Largo do Toural 47, 4810-225 Guimarães) and will be broadcast live by our partners walk.listen.create, at https://walklistencreate.org/.
The exhibition brings together the process and results of the working week, the participants and visitors’ contributions and will be on show until the 13th of April at the Garagem Avenida Gallery.
TWB takes place in Guimarães, Portugal, organised by the Laboratory of Landscape, Heritage and Territory (Lab2PT), in collaboration with Made of Walking/ the Milena Principle, and is an event within the framework of WALC – Walking Artists & Local Communities.
It is a project centred on the act of “Walking as an artistic practice”, exploring the imagination and creativity of walking in the city of Guimarães. TWB receives support from the European Union’s Creative Europe programme under the “WALC” project, a collaboration with universities and cultural partners in Belgium, France, Spain and Greece. It has also received support from the IMPACTA programme of the Municipality of Guimarães.
TWB5 counts on the participation of 9 artists, with the collaboration and involvement of the EAAD and other Schools in Greece (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Spain (University of Murcia).
TWB5 will feature the artists:
Verónica Perales (ES), Soazic Guezennec (FR), Maria Ristani (GR), Geert Vermeire (BE), David Merleau (CAN), Fred Adam (FR), Manuel Miranda Fernandes (PT), Miguel B Duarte (PT) and Natacha Antão (PT).
Free event under registration. Please fill in the form at:
Children under 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Further information at: